My Weblog

{February 6, 2011}   My Psyche

I always get excited when I’m talking about my writing.

Due to a well-loved teacher at my high-school, I’ve come across the website of WD (writer’s digest shop), and there was an article talking about dialogue, action and narrative. Here is my take on it:

I don’t use a lot of dialogue, but when I do, it’s because I don’t feel that I have any other way of bringing across a particular character trait (cross, temperamental, curt) to my reader. The character of any person is based on the way she/he reacts, not the way she/he acts. Given a particular situation or someone saying something (be it antagonistic or not), the way a person reacts to that gives an insight – and the opportunity for me – to give the reader a look-see into the workings of a character’s mind.

Now about action: that’s practically my entire story. I sometimes consider narrative and action the same thing, up to an extent.

Inner mind theatre of Maxine: I find it the most boring thing in the world to describe the daily activity of a character. This is narrative truly, for me. To talk about simple things is exhaustive and takes up unnecessary word count. Unless there is something unusual happening when someone is brushing their teeth in the morning – like someone hiding in their shower stall behind them waiting to cut off their head – or walking home from school – like a demented stalker following the character – then I don’t bother doing it.

Well, being an enjoyer of all things Sims, I enjoy describing a character’s features, their clothing styles, their vehicles and personal belongings. I like to describe the layouts of houses, hotels, cabins and shacks. In truth, I don’t usually describe every detailing of a room, such as the intricacies of a specific window type. That is so not me…

Action – now therein lies my true love. There’s not much of anything else I do when I write. I love fast-paced, in-your-face scenes, where characters get into fights, get into arguments, reach a startling conclusion about something. If a novel could be made entirely out of action, I would do it. But an attractive short/long story or novel needs a plot, and that is where planning comes in. Balance is the key.

All three elements have to come together to produce a work someone wants to read. But more important, that I would want to read over. If I don’t like a story, if I can tell the plot is slow, the characters aren’t defined, that the scenes are unrealistic, shouldn’t I expect others to see these things?

On a lighter note, go with God, peace and Vampire Diaries!

P.S. -> If you’d like to see the article yourself, check it out at :

{December 14, 2010}   Exhilaration

  Last night was momentous for me! I got through writing the bad guy monologue and yet another escape scene in “Okay”.

  Current standing:

Word Count: 40412    Main/Secondary Characters Count: 35    Chapter Count: 25

  I don’t know why writing is so powerful. Those times when the ideas flow out of me effortlessly, like running water form a new faucet, is absolutely awe-inspiring. And when I experience the magic that is writing, I find myself closer to God when I am finished putting it all on paper – regardless of the subject matter of the writing piece.

  I am so happy. Of course, it is the season to be jolly, so I want to wish all my readers the best Christmas season you’ve ever had. Just in case we don’t talk again before the Big Birthday, Happy Holidays!
      Maxine “max4love”

{October 29, 2010}   Thoughts

Latest Post

“Battle”, my long story with Magdalena Price, is proceeding beautifically. I’m on my second fight scene. Price is faced off with five individuals. This should be fun, with ample blood loss, pain and interesting fight moves. Yay!

Word Count: 6799    Main/Secondary Characters Count: 35    Chapter Count: 7

“When You Don’t Know Something” — on this site
Word Count: 9848    Main/Secondary Characters Count: 16    Chapter Count: 6

“The Religion of Romance” — on this site
Word Count: 7523     Main/Secondary Characters Count: 18    Chapter Count: 5

My song list is on shuffle – something I don’t do often – so I’ve been hit with some random lyrics. My current favourite line from an unexpected song is “Temporary happiness is like waiting for the knife / As I’m always watching for someone to show their darker side”. It’s featured in Pink’s “Heartbreaker”. I can take this several ways. For me, though, my first thought fit the circumstances aspect. I can’t ever completely enjoy an experience because I’m waiting for something to go wrong.

I’m waiting for the happiness to end.

Because everything ends, eventually. With books, I can have tears streaming down my face at intervals, burst out into laughter at several points and be so compeltely involved with the plot that I can’t put down the novel – or close the e-book, as is often the case. I feel so empty and lost after I finish a book that has been so great. The end of anything brings me infinite sadness. I hate conclusions.

Peace always,
       Maxine “max4love”

{October 13, 2010}   New Approach

I have to say to my family often enough that I’m not interested in certain things. With peer pressure and media exposure and the internet, they get worried about me. I still collect dolls and talk about shows like “Imagination Movers” and “Dora the Explorer“. I desperately miss Blues Clues, and was super-surprised when I found out that Blue was a girl! So many things aren’t on my radar as yet – and I’m far closer to twenty years than five.

Keep checking back here, because I have a surprise! Okay, before you get too excited, it’s an essay of sorts about the “depressingly” low level of naughtiness on my radar. (I use quotations because I don’t agree with the term.) Of course, I’m also called a sexist on a regular basis, as my criticism of guys sometimes falls on reluctant ears… but back to the topic! The page will be entitled “Unclean Questions” and its already written. I’m just not putting it up yet – it’ll help build up suspense!

Below is an update on my progress on a brand-new story I started just this week. It stars Magdalena, a girl after my own heart. The book is in the theme of darkness, and very different from my usual writing.


Word Count    5,848    Main/Secondary Characters Count    27    Chapter Count    5 

Peace always,


{October 8, 2010}   Truth

So, I’m currently writing around four full-length novels and dragging my feet when it comes to posting. I’ve debated the woes of copyright and neglecting one’s daily writing. Below is an update on my progress with three of my long stories:

“When You Don’t Know Something”

Word Count    9,848    Main/Secondary Characters Count    17    Chapter Count   

“Okay”/”Oh Kay”

Word Count    37, 042    Main/Secondary Characters Count    35    Chapter Count    24   

 “The Religion of Romance”

Word Count    5,318    Main/Secondary Characters Count    16    Chapter Count    3

These are only the long stories I write with even a semblence of consistency. I have started other long stories, some as far back as years ago. I have one about a young girl who is sold into marriage to a big brute to pay off a family debt. I have another story set in an alternate dimension starring May Elizabeth Tallow, with wizards and royalty and love. Another one is one I started around the time I first became obsessed with Stephanie Meyer‘s Twilight. I had temporarily named it the Dusk of Twilight. It stars vampires and a half-black, half-Carib girl whose name is Dusk Maximum. It is very different from the Twilight saga of four books. Mine has practically no love involved, loads of body piercings, of battles, and of the history of the fey.

Of course, the long story I had started in third form had been the pride of my life. I will withhold the name for now, but it starred seven teenagers who were given divine powers; the garden of Eden; and pages of fight scenes. My main character was Christian, Francesca Flamses. A main character who walked the line between good and bad was an atheist. He was going to be the love interest of Francesca. That story has been put on hold. I had so many dreams for it, and so many things I wanted to do with it, but alas, I had put too much hope in it and I stretched it too much. I’ll let it simmer for a while longer, then I’ll pick it back up again and fall in love with it once more. I might start posting the chapters for that story as well, here .

Now, on to something more random. Controversial topics! They are the things that no one can agree on – ever!

– religion vs. spirituality

– spirituality vs. atheism

– the meaning of XOXO: hugs and kisses or kisses and hugs

– whether KFC increases the size of adolescent female’s breast size

– the validity of politicians

Until next time,

       Maxine “max4love”

{September 22, 2010}   Staggering Expectations


These are my favourite types of figures of speech. Playing with words until they could mean almost anything; there is almost nothing I enjoy more than that. I try to incorporate puns, metaphors and oxymorons as much as I can when I write. Ooh, and sarcasm; musn’t forget the queen of the bunch!

My books are coming along nicely. With the encouragement of my friends, families, and accomplished authors, I am pushing forward. The fact that they expect me to be consistent makes it almost impossible for me to be lazy – but still, I manage it enough. By Christmas time, I will have at least one novel ready for publishing. Kudos to me!

So, here is the update on the writing of my main novel, which will be published locally:


   Word Count:  37, 042    Main/Secondary Characters Count: 35     Chapter Count: 24

I’m sooooooo excited! Not being lazy really has it’s perks. I can’t wait until I finish “Okay”. I can probably even write a sequel; that’s how much I adore the story and the spy world. I promise, next week, I’ll include the updates on all my long stories, including the one posted on this site. Visit max4love again.

       Love, read, hope – Maxine “max4love”

{September 18, 2010}   Oh, Crap…

I promised myself that I would work on this blog more often, and I really believed I would. Until, of course, I randomly remember that my last post was September 2nd. My dedication is truly admirable.

For those following me here, I’ve changed my mind about which story I would publish online here. I’ve swapped “Audrey” with my ingenious “When You Don’t Know Something”, accurately named as I truly could not think of something to name it. I did not have a plot idea, or anything for that matter, when I first started. Just the character Lyssi Stavidri and a new word document. Kudos to me, it is now four chapters long, and three of those are already here.

“Audrey” will join “Lyssi”, just for the sake of me being productive. Currently, I’m supposed to be working on five novels. “Okay” is named after the main character. You will notice that I do that a lot. Actally, “Okay” is about Kay Thomas, a secret agent on my fictional island Main Brooke. So far all of my stories have occurred there. Another story is “Gita”, a nineteen year old teacher who thinks too much for her own good. I haven’t touched that file in a while either. You think I would learn by now? Writing is like a fire slowly burning within me; new ideas are like wood for the flame. I start stories which seem really promising (at least to me), then I let my schoolwork or my laziness distract me, and I leave the story collecting dust for a little while. I honestly need some encouragement.

“Audrey”, of course, is the third story I’m supposed to be writing and editing. I hope you’ve noticed the key word ‘supposed’. In addition to “When You Don’t Know Something”, I’m supposed to be writing a soul-themed novel with my best friend whose Capoeira name is Supresa. I’ll add something every Thursday, then.

Okay, these words are now on the web, permanent in my eyes. Hopefully, I’ll keep up that promise. On to the world of writing and studying.

Peace always,

       Maxine “max4love”

et cetera